● 2022年5月5日,广东天诺律师事务所与创思德·维哲集团法兰克福分所举行了以视频会议的方式举行了战略合作签约仪式。广东天诺律师事务所主任陈忠律师与创思德·维哲集团合伙人暨法兰克福分所负责人斯蒂文·齐勒(Stephan Ziller)律师代表各自律所在《合作协议》文本上签字,标志着两家律所正式建立了战略合作关系。广东天诺律师事务所涉外法律部负责人陈果律师主持了签约仪式,创思德·维哲集团法兰克福分所中国部主任马栋女士、中国市场部主任纪林汐女士及双方团队部分成员见证了这一历史时刻。
● 广东天诺律师事务所成立于1999年1月,为综合性合伙制律师事务所。律所的法律服务范围除涵盖了刑事辩护、民商事诉讼或仲裁、行政复议或诉讼等传统律师业务外,作为一家在民商事法律领域耕耘二十余年的律所,还包含了建筑房地产、银行证券保险、投融资、企业并购重组、知识产权、涉外等各类商事非诉专业法律业务,能够为企业的经营和管理提供全方位多领域的法律服务。广东天诺律师事务所扎根大湾区,具有粤港澳大湾区及南沙区涉外法律服务聚集区的地理优势。
● 创思德·维哲集团是一家综合性的服务集团,其涵盖三大业务领域:法律,税务和企业咨询。拥有六大分部,分别设立在瑞士苏黎世和卢塞恩,德国法兰克福和斯图加特,阿联酋迪拜以及奥地利维也纳。此外在全球拥有五大合作办公室,分别设立在德国柏林和萨尔布吕肯,中国北京,意大利米兰以及希腊雅典。区别于单一的律师事务所,创思德·维哲集团拥有专业的团队,包括律师,税务审计师,企业咨询师,金融理财师和不动产咨询师;可以用 9 种工作语言为客户提供服务,包括英语,德语,法语,意大利语,西班牙语,希腊语,中文,韩语和阿拉伯语;致力于为全球的企业以及个人客户,提供全方位的服务。法兰克福分所作为创思德·维哲集团六大分部之一,在以集团合伙人 Stephan Ziller 为首的律师团队服务于全球客户。同时为了更好地服务于亚洲客户,还专门设立了中国以及韩国事务部,着力于为客户提供关于中德、韩德贸易合作,企业设立及并购,德国永久居留办理,知识产权保护等各种服务。中国事务部成立已近十年,为大量的中国客户提供了优质服务,同时针对中国事务也积累了非常丰富的代理经验。
● 广东天诺律师事务所和创思德·维哲集团法兰克福分所均表示很高兴能达成此次战略合作。双方基于优势互补、互利共赢的合作原则建立战略合作伙伴关系,将充分发挥双方资源优势,在涉外法律项目、优质市场拓展等方面展开深度合作。
● 在经济全球化的时代,日益频繁的国际贸易往来要求法律人拓展涉外法律服务市场、具有国际化的法律视野。未来,广东天诺律师事务所将与创思德·维哲集团法兰克福分所强强联合,力争实现合作共赢,打造涉外法律服务的合作新范式。
创思德·维哲集团简介Guangdong Teamwork Law Firm and Ziller Trusted Advisors Established Strategic Cooperative Partnership
.On May 5,2022, Guangdong Teamwork Law Firm and Ziller Trusted Advisors officially signed a strategic cooperation agreement by video conference.Mr. Chen Zhong, Director of Guangdong Teamwork Law Firm, and Mr. Stephan Ziller, Partner of Trusted Advisors Group and Head of Frankfurt Office, signed the text of the Cooperation Agreement on behalf of their own firms, which marks the formal establishment of a strategic cooperative relationship between the two firms. Lawyer Chen Guo, head of the foreign-related legal department of Guangdong Teamwork Law Firm, presided over the signing ceremony. Ms. Ma Dong, Director of China Department of Ziller Trusted Advisors, Ms. Ji Linxi, Director of China Market Department of Ziller Trusted Advisors, and some other members of both sides witnessed this historical moment.
●Guangdong Teamwork Law Firm was founded in January 1999, As a cultivated more than 20 years in the field of civil and commercial law firm, In addition to covering traditional lawsuits,such as criminal defence, civil and commercial litigation or arbitration, administrative reconsideration or litigation and other dispute resolution, our legal services also include various types of commercial non-litigation professional legal services, such as construction real-estate, banking and securities insurance, investment and financing, corporate mergers, acquisitions and restructurings, intellectual property rights, the Internet,artificial intelligence,Foreign-related andso on.we can provide a full range of multi-field legal services for the operation and management of enterprises. Guangdong Teamwork Law Firm is based in the Great Bay Area, with the geographical advantages of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area and Nansha District foreign-related legal service cluster.
●Trusted Advisors is a comprehensive service group with three main focuses: law, tax and consultancy. Trusted Advisors have six branches, namely in Zurich and Lucerne/ Switzerland, in Frankfurt and Stuttgart/ Germany, in Dubai/ United Arab Emirates and in Vienna/ Austria. Within the framework of cooperation, we have in addition five partner offices in Berlin and Saarbrücken, Germany, in Beijing, China, in Milan, Italy and in Athens, Greece.Unlike pure law offices, Trusted Advisors provides extensive services for company clients as well as for private clients from all over the world. Their professional team includes lawyers, tax consultants, auditors, asset consultants and real estate consultants. They can communicate with our clients in nine working languages, namely English, German, French, Italian, Spanish, Greek, Chinese,Korean and Arabic.As one of the six branches of the Trusted Advisors Group, The branch in Frankfurt am Main,headed by Group Partner Stephan Ziller, serves our clients around the world. In order to better serve our Asian clients, They have established a China Desk and a Korea Desk. The China Desk has beenin existence for almost a decade and thus a lot of practical experience.As to the Asian market, They are focusing on the cooperation between China, Korea and Germany; we deal with areas such that establishment of companies, M & A, the acquisition of a permanent residence permit in Germany, protection of intellectual property and a lot more.
●Guangdong Teamwork Law Firm and Ziller Trusted Advisors expressed their pleasure to reach this strategic cooperation agreement. They have established a strategic partnership based on the principle of complementary advantages and win-win cooperation, and will give full play to the resource advantages of both sides to carry out in-depth cooperation in foreign legal projects and high-quality market development.
●In the era of economic globalization, increasingly frequent international trade requires lawyers to expand the foreign legal service market and have an international legal vision. In the future, Guangdong Teamwork Law Firm will cooperate with Ziller Trusted Advisors to achieve win-win cooperation and create a new cooperation paradigm of foreign-related legal services.
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